Get Involved!
The World Roma Federation is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of Roma people around the world. We believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities and respect, regardless of their ethnicity or background. If you share our vision and want to get involved, there are several ways you can help.
Make A Donation
Without the generous donations of people like you, we would not be able to get anything done! We appreciate any amount being donated to our cause and programs.
Online Volunteer
We need help spreading awareness and fighting for human rights. We need help combating online hate speech, educating people and more.
Sponsor A Food Pantry
We are trying to expand our food pantry program and cover more towns. We currently have a weekly pantry running in northeastern Hungary, but we would like to be able to operate in every county.
Your donations can make this possible!
Our next goal is to get up and running in Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine etc.
We are looking for indviduals who would like to be mentors to our communities and settlements. These mentors would hold workshops for job skill training, communications etc.
Become An Advocate
We can use all the help we can get! If you have any experience in the legal or political field, we would love to hear from you! We need attorneys, paralegals and lobbyists to help us achieve our goals.
Housing Development
We need help developing housing for Roma living in poverty one settlement at a time. We are currently seeking funding for our Smart Village Project and are looking for experienced builders, carpenters or individuals in the trade to assist us as much as possible.